Spring Cleaning- Fully Decluttering and Deep Cleaning Your Home
Spring Cleaning is the time to declutter, let-go of unwanted and unneeded items, and deep clean. Use these tips and thorough FREE Printable Checklist to get organized and crush your Spring Cleaning. Start the warm weather with a fresh, organized, clean home. Making space for new and exciting opportunities.

Spring Cleaning-Fully Decluttering and Deep Cleaning Your Home
Every year as we welcome spring I get in my Spring Cleaning mode. I absolutely love Spring Cleaning! This is my time to completely declutter and get rid of stuff that we don’t need. Also, deep cleaning everything from closets to furniture to appliances and everything in between. Everything gets washed and what needs to be put away gets put away. There’s nothing like starting the new warm season with a fresh, clean and organized home.
It gives me such a great feeling of accomplishment once my Spring Cleaning is completed. Not only does decluttering fill me up with joy, it also opens up for new things and opportunities. I’m a firm believer of positive thoughts and vibes. Truly believe that an organized home is the base of a stress less and happy life. If your home is free of clutter then everything else around you will be the same.

Staying Organized on a Daily Basis:
Throughout the year I try to be as organized as possible. As a mom this can be quite the challenge as there is so much stuff around; Toys, clothes, electronics, books, paper, etc. To keep track of my everyday cleaning, I created a have a to-do list and schedule for every day of the week. This makes it a lot easier to stay on top of my daily chores and only have to spend about 20 minutes a day cleaning and organizing.
Even with a daily chore list and schedule life happens and things always get put off. Especially big projects like cleaning out the garage or basement. Mail gets tucked away to be looked at later, things that need to be fixed get thrown in a corner in your home office, frames are never bought for new pictures you want to put up so they just sit in a box. You get the point!
Now with a toddler in the house it seems every room is full of toys or books at all times. My daughter has a playroom but she still takes her toys into other rooms. We organize all her toys every night but we always find something under a couch or table. No matter how much we cleanup there always seems to be something to put away.
Why You Should Start Spring Cleaning:
This is where Spring Cleaning comes in. It is the perfect time to sort through things and get rid of anything we don’t use or need. You can donate anything that can still be used and anything else gets thrown away. One year we actually had a yard sale and were able to get rid of everything!

Start your Spring Cleaning with this thorough checklist:
I have created this Spring Cleaning checklist to help you get started with your own Spring Cleaning and make sure you don’t forget anything. You can download your free PDF copy of this list here. I’ve also put together some tips to help you get organized and start planning your Spring Cleaning. This checklist along with these tips will assist you in making the most out of your cleaning and start this new season fresh and clutter free!
When is the best time to start Spring Cleaning?
Ideally, I like to start my Spring Cleaning Mid-March through the beginning of April. Some years however, there are some things that may delay my Spring Cleaning by a couple of weeks. Some years we’re still getting snow up here in New England through March and even into April. I like to wait until the weather has warmed up for the most part and snow is all gone before I start my Spring Cleaning. This will ensure the house will stay clean free of snow and we can put all of our winter clothing away (heavy coats, hats, gloves, scarfs, boots, etc.)
My husband takes time off of work to help me with the heavier tasks so that also plays a role on when I get started. It also affects what rooms I may start first that year. When Emma was born she was born in January so by March she was still getting adjusted to a routine. I didn’t start my Spring Cleaning until the beginning of April when she was taking a long nap and sleeping through the night. These are all factors you will want to take into consideration and any others that may affect your daily life and how much time you can dedicate to your Spring Cleaning. My goal is always to be done with it by my birthday (which is mid-April or beginning of May the latest).
How long does Spring Cleaning take?
There’s no specific time Spring Cleaning should take. It all depends on how much daily time you can dedicate to it. It also depends on how big your house or apartment is. How much stuff and clutter you have also plays a role. Some people may have more of one thing than others. For example, if you are a mom of 2 or more kids then you probably have much more toys than I do as a mom of one. You also probably have more kids clothes to sort through. You may not be a shoe collector like I am so cleaning my closet would take me longer.
When it comes to my Spring Cleaning, I am very thorough and take my time. I try to do one room or section a day. It can take me 1-2 weeks to finish now that I have a toddler and have to do my cleaning around her schedule. At the end I wash everything and put out a new springy scent to make my home smell good.
Pick your dates and set a goal for when you would like to complete your Spring Cleaning by:
Setting a goal for when you want your Spring Cleaning to be done by plays a big role in this project. It gives to a deadline for when you want to be finished by. This paints a picture of how much time you have to finish this project and will help you with your schedule. If you want to be finished with your Spring Cleaning in one or two weeks then make a list of what rooms or sections you will be doing on each day. Again, this will all depend on how many rooms you have in your home and how much time you have daily to clean.
Are you taking a week off of work to Spring Clean? Or Will you be dedicating a couple of hours a day after you get home from work? Will you be doing it in-between your kid’s naps and bedtime? Are you just doing it on the weekend? Make sure your goal is realistic based on how much you have to do so you don’t get stressed out or burnout.

Clean one room at a time and make a schedule for each room:
To piggyback on the previews point, making a schedule for your Spring Cleaning is essential. This will help you create goals to accomplish your ultimate goal. Which is decluttering and deep cleaning your home for the warm weather. If you’re giving yourself a full week to deep clean then assign a room or two for each day of the week you will be working on. If you’re doing it on the weekends for the next month then do so this way. Having a schedule for each room will make it easier to tackle each section of the house and start getting rid of unwanted items.
Make trash, keep and donate pile:
As you start your Spring Cleaning, make three piles in each room you clean out. A trash, keep and donate pile. As you start taking stuff out of closets, draws and cabinets, go through each thing and decide what to do with it. If you haven’t used it in the last 3-6 months or if in some cases don’t even remember when or where you got it from then donate it. If it’s something that can’t be used anymore then trash it. Only keep things you use or wear on a daily basis or very regularly. This will start to clear up your space and make so much more room.
Stock up on all your cleaning supplies:
Make sure you’re stocked up on any cleaning supplies you will need. You don’t want to run out of cleaning products in the middle of your Spring Cleaning. It will waste precious time you want to be spending on decluttering your home. Some of the essential items you want to make sure you have before starting your Spring Cleaning are the following:
- Cleaning products
- Rags
- Gloves
- Trash bags and boxes
- Broom, Dust Pan, Mop, Bucket
Make Spring Cleaning a fun activity:
Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be a dreaded big project you don’t want to do. Look at it as the opportunity to let-go of old things that don’t serve you any purpose anymore. This will make room for new and exciting things to come into your life and home. A cluttered space brings anxiety and stress. Cleaning out and getting rid of these items that you don’t need is a form of purging and telling life you’re ready to welcome new opportunities.
Make it fun too by making a playlist and having some music playing while you clean. Get your significant other, kids, family and friends involved. It can be a fun experience and doesn’t have to be boring or a dull processes. Just make sure you wear comfortable shoes!
Good luck with your Spring Cleaning!
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**Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links and sponsored content. All the opinions are my own and I only recommend products I use in my own home with my own family.

I just noticed your previous post that has the “Mama Needs Some Coffee” mug – I have the same one and I LOVE it!
I am doing pretty well with my spring cleaning, and it’s nice to keep up with it. Thanks for the checklist!
I love that mug too! Lol it’s my favorite right now! Haha!
I love spring cleaning!
I’ve never done actual “spring” cleaning, more like just random cleaning. But after reading this it just sounds like a refreshing thing to do. And goodness knows my home needs it! We’re a family of four living in a one-bedroom house; we need to declutter!
It is so satisfying to do a deep clean and declutter. I’m sure you will feel so good after getting rid of some stuff!
Ooooh this is thorough. So helpful!
Thank you Barbara!
This is such a great guide. I hate cleaning, but love checking things off the list. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Sofi! Having a checklist inspires me to get things done too!
It’s so important to get on to the periodical cleaning and what better than spring cleaning to get rid of stuff that is no more required and create space for new ones if at all needed to buy. Great post.
Thank you! I keep a daily cleaning schedule so it makes my spring cleaning much easier. But there’s always stuff to get rid of and reorganize!
Dang, that is a comprehensive list! There are some things on there we haven’t cleaned since we moved into this house, lol! I hardly have time to wipe down the kitchen counters, but should probably do that more often.
I have a daily cleaning schedule which helps make my spring cleaning a lot easier. However, there’s always stuff to get rid of and to reorganize.
I need this badly! Thank you.
Glad you found it helpful Felicia!
I’m all about Spring PURGING of items we don’t need. We did KonMari in the Fall and I think we’re going to do another round in the next couple of months.
I been reading up on KunMari. I would love to give it a try!
Great checklist! I donated a bunch of items in December. I have been organizing and rearranging areas since January. There are still areas that I need to do. Spring cleaning never ends! lol
You got a great head start! But yes there’s always something to reorganize! Lol
It’s so true an organized home is a major part of a stressless and happy life. I get so stressed out when there’s stuff everywhere, and I admit to having a small meltdown today! The warmer weather’s really gotten me inspired to declutter and do some major cleaning.
I feel you! I get so stressed out and have had meltdowns too! I get inspired to declutter during the spring time too!
preparing a checklist is so much important for organizing our houses. Loved your idea of spring cleaning time with the checklist, shall follow in the similar way for sure.
I love checklists too. I have one for pretty much everything. It helps me stay on track and organized so much!
What a great comprehensive spring cleaning list. My toddler also brings her toys into every room so it’s time to start decluttering and deep cleaning our home 🙂 Thanks for sharing
Thank you Karen! It’s really hard to keep a tidy home with toddlers. We can just do our best!
This is such an incredible list for that Spring cleaning time of year! Thanks so much for the printable so that I can mark things off as I go.
I’m so glad you found it helpful Angela! Good luck with your spring cleaning!
This is a kick my butt get off the chair and get all this stuff done kind of reminder post 🙂 I am a little anxious but I have pinned this to see what I can get done 😀 Thanks!
Lol it can be a bit of an overwhelming list but just use it as a reference and use what actually applies to you! I tried to make it general for everyone to be able to use it.