Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids
This Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids guide is very helpful in figuring out how to swap popular kids snacks for more healthy wholesome options.

Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids
Snacking is one of the most satisfying things to do in life. Am I right?! What’s better than munching on our favorite snacks while we work, watch a movie, or chit chat with friends? Having the right snacks is always and essential part of everything we do. Think about it!
Snacks also form a big part of our kid’s diet and eating habits. They pretty much snack all day, everyday. As moms we know to not leave the house without plenty of snacks. As soon as a toddler wakes up from their nap the first thing they want is a snack. They always want a snack!
For this reason it is important that we make the right choices when it comes to the kind of snacks we feed our kids. Especially those they eat on a daily basis. While wholesome meals are the most important part of our children’s nutrition, snacks play a big role.
Having kids snack on unhealthy processed foods not only isn’t good for their health and nutrition. These snacks can also get in the way of kids learning to appreciate the taste for real food. These kinds of processed foods are loaded with refined-sugars and they can be extremely addicting. Which is why kids who grow eating these kinds of foods on a regular basis will prefer them over fruit or raw veggies.
Kids are creatures of habits, even with food. What they learn to eat from a young age is what they will prefer to eat. The more nutritious foods they are exposed to the more likely they will choose their favorites amongst these.

Healthy and nutritious snack options to unhealthy ones:
1. Swap chips for Kale Chips:
Chips are saturated with trans-fats, calories, sodium and refined-sugars. They have absolutely no nutritional value. Allowing your kids to indulge on a few chips every now and then isn’t harmful. However, packing these in their lunch on a daily basis or having it as an afternoon snack is not good for their overall health.
Healthy Swap: Many times we all just crave something salty and crunchy. As a healthy and nutritious alternative to chips, try kale chips (salt & vinegar are the best), seaweed, or your own homemade potato chips. They’re pretty easy to make and won’t have any bad ingredients or additives.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
2. Swap fries for Baked Sweet Potato Fries:
Who doesn’t love some good old French fries? The thing is that fries are usually deep fried in trans-fats that can cause a lot of harm to our bodies. Even if you order a baked option at a restaurant, make sure they have used either coconut oil or avocado oil. Stay away from canola oil or palm oil.
Healthy Swap: The best substitute for regular fried fries are baked sweet potato fries. They contain less starch and are rather a nutrient dense complex-carb. Much healthier and your kids will actually benefit from great vitamins and minerals like Vitamins A, C, B1 and B2, Fiber, and Potassium.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
3. Swap fruit cups for Fresh Fruit:
Although they are promoted as healthy snack options for kids, fruit cups really are not the best for many reasons. The main one being that a lot of these fruit cups contain juice that can contain high-fructose corn syrup or additives. In the case they say they’re from 100% juice concentrate, this still probably isn’t the best option. Juice from Concentrate means that the water has been extracted from the fruit. It then is added back and pasteurized. Depending on how the manufacturer does this process, many the nutrients fruits contain can be lost in this process. Also, the taste the fruit has in these types of fruit cups is not the same as fresh fruit. This can confuse your kid’s palate turning them off from the natural taste of fruits.
Healthy Swap: In this case your best option will always be fresh fruit. It will contain all of it’s nutrients in their full form. They are an excellent snack option for your kids since they contain natural sugars for energy, fiber for digestion and many essential vitamins and minerals.
Try these healthy snack swaps:

4. Swap yogurt for Greek yogurt:
One of the healthiest foods we can eat is yogurt. It is extremely rich in probiotics and does wonders to our gut health. However, not all yogurts are processed the same. Many yogurts that are advertised and marketed towards kids pack a lot of ingredients that they shouldn’t be consuming. Some of these being corn starch, potassium sorbate, and carrageenan. Potassium sorbet is a preservative used in many foods. Carrageenan is an additive used to thicken and preserve foods. Carrageenan is known to cause inflammation, ulcers, and damage to your digestive system.
Healthy Swap: Greek yogurt is the best option for yogurts. Liquid whey is separated in Greek yogurt so it contains less carbs and sugars than regular yogurt. It also contains more protein than regular yogurt and it’s an excellent source of probiotics. I usually like to mix Greek yogurt for my daughter’s snack with fresh fruit and raw nuts.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
5. Swap Goldfish Crackers for Roasted Chickpeas:
Since I could remember Goldfish Crackers have been around and are one of the most popular snacks for kids out there. I’ve seen them be advertised as whole grain baked crackers. I’ve even seen some of their boxes labeled as organic. All this makes them sound as healthy alternatives for your kids. Once you turn them around and read their ingredients the story changes. First of all, what they call whole grain is unbleached enriched wheat flour. This means that wheat has been processed and missing it’s bran and germ leading to all the essential nutrients and fiber whole wheat has to not being present anymore. These crackers also contain vegetable oils; sunflower, canola, and/or soybean. These are all loophole words for trans-fats that cause inflammation and have been linked to other chronic conditions like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
Healthy Swap: Instead of Goldfish Crackers, opt for roasted chickpeas. They’re just as crunchy as Goldfish Crackers and you can make many different flavors variations. Try honey-roasted, BBQ or even “cheesy” using nutritional yeast. Chickpeas are a great source of protein, fiber, iron, and complex-carbs. You actually can find these in the store as a snack or you can make them at home using canned chickpeas and have more control of what’s in them.
Try these healthy snack swaps:

6. Swap cookies for Energy Balls/Bites:
There really isn’t enough space on here to list everything that is wrong with store bought cookies. Where do I even begin? Additives, preservatives, dyes, high fructose corn syrup, refined-sugars, trans-fats, etc. There is everything but nutrition in any kind of prepackaged cookies you may find at the grocery store. When it comes to having cookies you’re better off just making them at home whether they are with clean or not clean ingredients. Even if you don’t use gluten-free flour you most likely will still be using much less harmful ingredients than any box of cookies you could find.
Healthy Swap: As a much healthy alternative to cookies as an everyday snack, try making energy balls. These are actually a snack the whole family can enjoy. Energy balls consist of using GF rolled oats, peanut butter or other nut butters, dried fruit like dates and cranberries, dark chocolate chips, maple syrup, and other ingredients. They are rolled into small balls, frozen for a couple of hours, and you have a nutrient dense snack that will satisfy your hunger and sweet-tooth. They’re wonderful and you can always use protein powder for some added protein. Just make sure that the kid’s version has a protein powder that is kid friendly.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
7. Swap granola bars for Trail Mix:
Granola bars may seem like they are a great snack option for your kids. However, prepackaged and store bought granola bars are loaded with harmful ingredients. They can contain dyes, high fructose corn syrup, canola or palm oil (which are trans-fats), and overall non nutritional ingredients.
Healthy Swap: Making your own granola bars at home can actually be pretty easy and 100% healthier. For an even easier option, make your own trail mix. Use raw unsalted nuts, dark chocolate chips, dried fruit, freeze dried fruit (these are so good and kids love them), coconut chips, etc. It is quick and easy to make and a much better option to store-bought granola bars.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
- Nut-Free Trail Mix
- Healthy Breakfast Cookies
- Gluten-Free “Caramel” Apple Granola
- Gluten-Free Vegan Quinoa Granola

8. Swap microwave popcorn for Stovetop Popcorn:
Popcorn is actually one of the healthiest and more nutritious snacks there are. It’s a whole-grain packed in fiber, antioxidants, and other vitamins. The problem here is microwave popcorn. Microwave popcorn has been linked to series of health issues. Along with trans-fats and other harmful ingredients, another ingredient found in microwave popcorn is Diacetyl. This is a chemical used to give popcorn it’s buttery flavor. Diacetyl has been linked with causing lung disease. Microwave popcorn is probably more dangerous to our health than we can imagine.
Healthy Swap: The best option here is to buy your own kernels and make your popcorn at home. You can either use the stovetop or a popcorn air popper. If you choose the stovetop option just be careful with the kind of oil you use. Opt for oils that have high smoke points like coconut or avocado oil. Popcorn air poppers can be fun and the kids would love them. It can be a fun activity to do together as a family.
Try these healthy snack swaps:
How can I introduce these Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids to my kids if they already like the other options?
There’s nothing wrong with allowing your kids to enjoy a bag of chips or some cookies here and there. I do let my daughter have these foods even though they have no nutritional value from time to time. Especially if we’re at a birthday party or family gathering. However, the trick is in making sure that they are eating healthy and nutrient-dense foods most of the time. It’s never too late to introduce your little ones to healthier options. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Lead by Example:
Eat the same foods you want your kids to eat. If they see mommy or daddy eating healthier foods they will follow suit and be more willing to try these healthier snacks too.
2. Get them involved in making these snacks:
When kids are involved in the kitchen and help make the foods they are going to eat it gets them excited. They will most likely be willing to eat the snacks they help make since it’s part of the process and they’re having fun with it.
3. Give them options:
Give them two healthy snacks to choose from and let them decide which one they would rather have at the moment. This way they will still feel in control and feel like it’s their choice on what they want to snack on. This will also start teaching them to always choose healthier options.
4. Consistency is key:
Even if at first your kids don’t want to be bothered with these healthier snacking options just keep offering. Consistency is key and as long as you keep offering they will eventually come around and be willing to try them.
5. Be patient:
Having patience is key too. Get rid of all those unhealthy snacks and just keep healthy ones around. Your whole family will be more likely to eat these if that’s the only option they have. Keep trying and don’t give up!

How do I use this Healthy Snack Swaps For Kids guide?
This is guide is a visual way to help with ideas as to what healthy snacks to offer your kids. You can save the image above into your phone and keep it there as a guide. Download this PDF version and print out. Stick it on your fridge or if you have a board in your kitchen so you can refer to it. Check out the snack category on this website for more delicious and nutritious snack recipes.
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**Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links and sponsored content. All the opinions are my own and I only recommend products I use in my own home with my own family.
*Post and Pictures updated as of 9/10/19