Building a Self-Care Routine
Mom life is hard and it’s all about taking care of everyone around us. Which is why building a self-care routine is so important as moms. We need to fill up our cup before we can pour from it again.

Building a Self-Care Routine
So Self-care seems to be a topic that is growing more and more amongst the #momlife world. And as well it should be! As soon as you become a mom everything becomes about that little bundle of joy you just brought into this world. Whether you are a stay at home mom, working mom, single mom, special needs mom, or any kind of mom, everything you do is ultimately with the goal of doing the best for your child(ren).
Taking care of little humans is a lot of work. It’s a lot of joy but at the same time very overwhelming and exhausting. Then to that you have to add all of the other day-to-day things we have to do like cooking, maintaining a clean home, errands, appointments, full time jobs, it’s a lot. We as moms can very quickly burn out and become over taken by excruciating exhaustion!
It is important to take sometime to learn our limits before we get to that point. How we start to feel before we get to a place where we just want to scream and run away! Know when we need to step back and just spend some time to be alone and have me-time. With absolutely no interruptions!
This is why building a self-care routine is very important. Doing small things every day for yourself can help you avoid d getting to that burn-out point. It helps maintain your sanity. You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first.
I’ll be the first to admit that I am this way. I have a million things to do every day and almost every time I end up having to sacrifice something on my long to do list. It usually ends up being what I had scheduled to do for myself. It shouldn’t be this way and I am aware of it but it always happens. I am trying to work on it and be better. Not just for myself but also for my family. They deserve to get the best of me. Not the barely trying to get through the day on E kind of me.
To improve my health and sanity I have developed a self-care routine and made a commitment to stick to it. No matter how hectic my day is I have been making a habit to stop and take a breather. Do something that helps me blow some steam and relax. It may not be the same exact routine every day but I make sure I do something that is for the benefit of my well-being.
This is the routine I have been working on. I have this outline which helps me plan ahead what I want to do for the week. Not every section gets scheduled or done every week. But this printable helps me think ahead of what I want to dedicate time to. Trying a new exercise routine or taking a class, read a new book, try a new mask or hair treatment, etc.

Weekly Self-Care Routine:
Hair, Skin, Nail- Care:
These are very simple things you can do that only take a few minutes yet make a huge difference. I love making a facial mask, leaving it on for a few minutes then washing it off and feeling so refreshed. Lately I have been going to the gym at night. After my workout I spend 10 minutes in the sauna so it helps open up my pores. Then I make my facial mask when I get home and it has made a huge difference on my skin. I do this routine about three times a week.
My go to facial mask right now is a mix of bentonite clay and apple cider vinegar. I place it on my face for about 10-15 minutes and then rinse it off while I take a shower. One day of the week I simultaneously do this while I also do a hair treatment. I mix coconut oil and Castor oil. Rub it on my hair specially the scalp and leave it in for 40 minuets. Then I apply my mask. So relaxing and refreshing!
I’m working now on improving my nail care as well. Taking some time to get a mani-pedi done. Especially now that sandal season is here! This takes more of an effort since I actually have to step out of the house and spend some time away.
This is a big one for me! I read all the time but I can’t remember when was the last time I read a book for fun. All the reading I do these days is educational. Whether it is doing some reading on ways to improve my blogging skills or parenting books. I want to dedicate more time to reading a good novel or thrill book. Those are my favorites. This also helps stimulate your mind and helps put aside the thought of daily tasks and to-do lists.
For the most part I go to the gym at least 4-5 times a week. I’m there for 1-1.5 hours and get a lot done. My gym offers daycare which is super convenient and I’m so thankful for. I know many moms out there don’t have the luxury of having this amenity. However, you can definitely build a home workout routine that is helpful for you. I personally need to make it to the gym to get some motivation. I also like to do weight training and have to go to the gym for that. That’s just what works for me.
With this new self-care routine I have made it goal to try new workouts. Take some classes instead of just working out on my own. Now that it’s nice out I would like to run outside rather than on a treadmill. There’s a playground with a running track walking distance to my house. Last year I would walk there with Emma then go around the track a couple of times and then stop by the playground and play with Emma. I plan on doing this again this year.

Drinking water is an essential part of self-care. It’s the best way to stay hydrated and be able to stay energized. I know it can be hard to stay on top of how much water we are drinking on a daily basis. Sometimes I catch myself going a few hours without a drink of water and can feel my energy levels dropping.
What I do to help me stay ahead of my daily water consumption is to drink a whole bottle of water first thing in the morning. When I wake up before I drink my coffee or anything else I drink a bottle of water which equals about two cups.
Then I make a pitcher or large mason jar of insfused water with fruits and/or herbs. My go to are lemon-ginger and lemon-cucumber-mint. Then I drink it throughout the day. When I head to the gym I take my water bottle which holds about 3-4 cups of water and I definitely drink it all as I get through my workout.

Morning/Bedtime Routine
Creating a morning and bedtime routine has been really helpful not just for my self-care routine but my overall daily schedule. It helps me stay organized with my time and as a result be more productive. This has also helped me be more aware of going to bed at a reasonable time in order to get a good night sleep. Which then allows me to wake up early, refreshed, and ready to get work done!
I have been incorporating self-care in these routines as well. In the morning I have made it a habit to drink my coffee in peace. No work, no social media, no chores, just my cup of coffee and maybe some entertainment tv or some fun reading.
At night I do the gym, then my skin/hair care, and shower. Then I either read a book or watch some tv with the hubby. I been trying to stay away from tv at night though to eliminate the exposure to blue light. I feel so rested in the morning and energized!
Daily Break
When I can’t get to these other steps or have already had a long morning I try to take mid-day break. Sometimes I take a nap while the baby is napping. Even if it’s just 20 minutes it makes huge difference. Sometimes I’ll just read or watch a show. I have been meaning to start a personal journal to help me get my mind cleared up too. I pair this with a cup of tea or turmeric latte and it’s the perfect mid-day pick me up I need before I get to my afternoon chores.

Weekly Self-Care Routine Print-Out:
Start building your self-care routine and remember to start off slowly and do what works for you. Like everything else, trying to commit to too much at first can get overwhelming and ultimately not fun anymore because of the pressure you put on yourself. Remember this is all about making the time to dedicate to yourself. A way to take care of you to prevent burning out and that extreme level of exhaustion.
You can get a PDF copy of my self-care printable below. Use this to stay building a weekly self-care routine. Think ahead of what you would like to dedicate some time to the upcoming week. Make it a goal and stick to it. Eventually start committing to more and combining them like I do. It will become second nature and a habit. Remember you have to take care of yourself first to be able to give your loving family the best version of yourself they deserve!
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Trying to get better with the water – good reminder!!
Yes that one can be a tough one to remember!
As I told you on Instagram I find it hard to take care of myself since having twins haha. Really appreciate posts like yours that help me start doing things! Thanks!
I’m sure everything is much harder with twins and you get even less time for self care. Glad you found this helpful.
Yayyy to self care! Definitely need to take some time to myself! Taking care of yourself is part of taking care of your kids right?! ♥️
You’re absolutely right Sheena! Can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first!
I get burnt out easily and my kiddo hasn’t even arrived yet! I’m going to try and do this bc I think it’s some seriously solid and attainable advice! Beautiful chart too 💕
Pregnancy alone can be really tiring. Especially towards the end. I’m so happy you found my post helpful Jesyka!