This Prosciutto Melon Salad is so refreshing, sweet, salty and delicious. Perfect summer salad to make as a snack, appetizer or side dish; and enjoy on a sunny pool day, cook-out, or beach picnic. Made with cured prosciutto, sweet and juicy melons, mozzarella balls, and fresh mint.
Take half of a cantaloupe and half of a honeydew and scoop seeds out of both. Use a melon baller and start scooping out melon balls from both melons. Place them in a large mixing bowl.
Drain mozzarella balls and add them into bowl along with melon balls. Take your prosciutto and rip apart into smaller bite size pieces. I usually take one slice and break it down into 3 small pieces. Place into bowl with the rest of prepped ingredients.
Take Mint leaves and thinly slice them. In a small mixing bowl combine lime juice, honey and olive oil. Mix together and drizzle over salad. Add in sliced mint leaves and give salad a good toss making sure it is well coated with dressing.
Chill salad for at least 20-30 minutes then serve. Enjoy!